Prospect Clients for a Telecom Marketing Software Company

1. Requirement

The client sold specialist software products and technologies into the telecom industry. It had a relatively small but highly experienced and expensive sales force globally. It wanted to maximize the impact of the meetings and the time spent by the sales team by giving them better information on the potential clients, their needs, developments, existing relationships and contracts.

2. Solution

A two person team was set up to provide ‘Prospect Profiles ‘ of potential corporate clients in the Telecoms market globally. The team produced around 3-5 profiles per week of companies the client’s sales team was engaging with, including the following information: Company name and key details Technology procurement decision makers Key departments Research and development departments and initiatives Key technology initiatives Current vendors Contracts and timing

3. Methodology

TBRC’s Prospect Team worked on a Full Time Equivalent basis from our Hyderabad office. The client’s sales team highlighted companies it was in the process of engaging with. TBRC would create a Prospect Profile for each. Key sources included: Company website and annual report Trade magazines and blogs Professional social media such as Linkedin Detailed web search Targeted primary research for specific data points

4. Client Benefits And Feedback
Client Benefits And Feedback

The engagement had tangible benefits in the first six months. The client’s sales team reported reducing research time by 50% and being better prepared for meetings. Company sales increased 25%+ in the first year of engagement, despite a small reduction in sales headcount.